Big Book of Science Things to Make and Do

59,90 lei

Authors Rebecca Gilpin, Leonie Pratt
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2012
Language Engleză
Pages 102
SKU: aqvcdfM40yH23bUxfALg Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Rebecca Gilpin, Leonie Pratt
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2012
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781409539001
Dimensions 21x27 cm
Pages 102
Cover Paperback brosat

This is a new edition of this bumper activity book, introducing children to the world of science in a practical and interactive way. It contains 57 activities including bubbling wizard's brew, magic flowers, panpipe straws, a spinning paper helicopter and a light catcher. Each activity uses simple and safe materials and is described by step-by-step instructions and illustrations. The activities are also accompanied by simple explanations of the science involved, including density, air pressure, streamlining and wind power. It is presented with over 850 colourful stickers to decorate the projects with.

Alte titluri pentru RebeccaGilpin (autor):

100 de jocuri distractive şi educative (2023)


Explorează lumea. Activități pentru excursii și vacanțe (2018)
