Barchester Towers

87,00 lei

Authors Anthony Trollope
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Year 2016
Language Engleză
Pages 608
SKU: J6NDwlkglEus16zKjMSL Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Anthony Trollope
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Year 2016
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780241257982
Dimensions 14x21 cm
Pages 608
Cover Hardcover

'What! to come here a stranger, a young, unknown, and unfriended stranger, and tell us, in the name of the bishop his master, that we are ignorant of our duties, old-fashioned, and useless!'

Trollope's comic masterpiece of plotting and backstabbing opens as the Bishop of Barchester lies on his deathbed. Soon a pitched battle breaks out over who will take power, involving, among others, the zealous reformer Dr Proudie, his fiendish wife and the unctuous schemer Obadiah Slope.

Barchester Towers is one of the best-loved novels in Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire series, which captured nineteenth-century provincial England with wit, worldly wisdom and an unparalleled gift for characterization.

The second book in the Chronicles of Barsetshire.

Alte titluri pentru AnthonyTrollope (autor):

The Warden (2018)


Framley Parsonage (2018)


Doctor Thorne (2018)


Doctorul Thorne (2016)
