Antony and Cleopatra

12,90 lei

Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher Wordsworth Editions Ltd
Year 1993
Language Engleză
Pages 160
SKU: Rm4Jhi8k218AN8Hx3qQ Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher Wordsworth Editions Ltd
Year 1993
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781853260759
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 160
Cover Paperback brosat

Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies: a spectacular, widely-ranging drama of love and war, passion and politics. Antony is divided between the responsibilities of imperial power and the intensities of his sexual relationship with Cleopatra. She, variously generous and ruthless, loving and jealous, petulant and majestic, emerges as Shakespeare's most complex depiction of a woman:

‘Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.’

Unsurpassed in sumptous eloquence and powerful characterisation, Anthony and Cleopatra deservedly retains its popularity in the theatre. Its insights into the corruptions of power and the ambiguities of desire remain timely.

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William Shakespeare. Opere complete (vol. I+II) Comedii, Poeme, Sonete (2015)


Opere IX. Eduard al III-lea. Mult zgomot pentru nimic. Macbeth (2015)


Othello. Regele Lear (2022)


Othello (2016)


Opere I: Sonete.Furtuna (2016)


Opere II: Hamlet (2016)


Opere III: A douăsprezecea noapte. Doi veri de stirpe aleasă. Nevestele vesele din Windsor (2016)


Opere IV: Îmblânzirea scorpiei. Regele Ioan. Vis de-o noapte-n miezul verii (2016)
