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Animal Farm : The Graphic Novel

110,00 lei

Authors George Orwell
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Year 2019
Language Engleză
Pages 176
SKU: S0nVU1v25kynxliYh8AZ Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors George Orwell
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Year 2019
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780241391846
Dimensions 21x27 cm
Pages 176
Cover Paperback

The first ever graphic novel version of Animal Farm – a Times Book of the Year 2019

Animal Farm is the story of what happens when the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master, and how their revolution goes horribly wrong. Now George Orwell's dark, timeless fable has been turned into a graphic novel for the very first time, illustrated in full colour by the renowned Brazilian artist Odyr to bring us a whole new work of art.


Alte titluri pentru GeorgeOrwell (autor):

Ferma Animalelor (2013)


O mie nouă sute optzeci şi patru (2023)


Zile birmaneze (Top 10+) (2023)


Ferma Animalelor (2017)


Drumul spre Wigan Pier (2018)


Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings (2018)


Ferma animalelor (audiobook) (2023)


Cum am împușcat un elefant (2018)


O fată de preot (2019)


Ferma animalelor (roman grafic) (2019)
