Androcles and the Lion

39,90 lei

Authors Russell Punter
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2011
Language Engleză
Pages 48
SKU: lDZoZdRnqEaoWwTaGMNZ Categorii: , , , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Russell Punter
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2011
Illustrators Carl Gordon
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781409533665
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 48
Cover Paperback brosat

Seven titles in the popular "First Reading" series are re-issued with hardback covers with audio CDs inserted into a wallet inside the back cover, making the book and CD easy to store together. "The Young Reading" series is developed with reading expert Alison Kelly from Roehampton University to help young readers grow in confidence and ability. 

Alte titluri pentru RussellPunter (autor):

Povești cu oameni de zăpadă. Nivel începători (2022)


Povești cu dinozauri (2022)


Old Mother Hubbard (2018)


Stories of Cowboys (2018)


There was a Crooked Man (2018)


Stories of Monsters (2018)


Old Mother Hubbard + CD (2018)


There was a Crooked Man (+CD) (2018)
