All About Your Brain (Big Questions)

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Authors Robert Winston
Publisher DK Children
Year 2006
Language Engleză
Pages 96
SKU: WZdXmZRgFEusCY6jTrhQ Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Robert Winston
Publisher DK Children
Year 2006
Language Engleză
Dimensions 21x27 cm
Pages 96
Cover Paperback brosat

Discover why you do what you do

Join Professor Robert Winston and introduce your child to the most powerful, complicated computer network that exists – their brain. From what the different parts of the brain do and why it changes at different stages in a person's life, All About Your Brain uncovers the amazing things your brain does while you are awake and asleep.

All About Your Brain packed with amazing illustrations and fascinating facts like why bird song is similar to human speech and what makes animals yawn. As well as fun brainteasers to test your child's memory, perception, reasoning and reactions.

Alte titluri pentru RobertWinston (autor):

Misterele corpului uman (2016)


All About Evolution (Big Questions) (2018)


Mein genialer Körper (2018)


SuperHuman Encyclopedia (2018)


Laboratorul de acasă. Experimente incitante (2019)


Știința pentru toți (2020)
