A World of Difference B2/C1 + Audio CD
54,80 lei
Authors | Graham Greene, Roald Dahl |
Publisher | Black Cat Cideb |
Year | 2012 |
Language | Engleză |
Pages | 160 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Graham Greene, Roald Dahl |
Publisher | Black Cat Cideb |
Year | 2012 |
Others | |
Language | Engleză |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9788877542687 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 16,5x23,5 cm |
Pages | 160 |
Cover | Paperback brosat |
These short stories by Graham Greene, Kate Chopin, Bernard MacLaverty, Roald Dahl and Shirley Jackson – all with a surprise ending – explore themes such as appearances and reality, prejudices and beliefs, and isolation – all raising questions which relate to the human condition.
Text analysis activities focus on comprehension, characters, setting and plot, as well as style, language, narrative techniques and themes. Follow-up work offers creative tasks for students – imagining a different ending and point-of-view re-writing – which highlight their personal response to the texts.
Alte titluri pentru GrahamGreene (autor):
Puterea şi gloria (Top 10+) (2016)
Sfârșitul unei iubiri (2013)
Al zecelea om (2015)
Al zecelea om (2018)
Miezul lucrurilor (2019)
The Splintering Frame B2/C1 + Audio CD (2024)
Alte titluri pentru RoaldDahl (autor):
Vrăjitoarele | format mic (2014)
Unchiul Oswald (2023)
George și miraculosul său medicament | format mic (2022)
Domnul Fox, vulpoi fantastic | format mare (2019)
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