A Study in Scarlet + Audio CD (Step Four B2.1)
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Authors | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Publisher | Black Cat Cideb |
Year | 2012 |
Language | Engleză |
Pages | 112 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Publisher | Black Cat Cideb |
Year | 2012 |
Others | |
Language | Engleză |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9788853002952 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 15 x 21 cm |
Pages | 112 |
Cover | Paperback brosat |
In an empty house lies a dead man. There are no wounds on his body. On the wall, the word RACHE – German for „revenge” – is written in blood. With the help of his friend Doctor Watson, can Sherlock Holmes use his deductive powers to find the murderer?
Set in London in the 1880s, A Study in Scarlet is the first Holmes and Watson mystery, the beginning of a long and famous partnership.
Alte titluri pentru Sir Arthur ConanDoyle (autor):
Aventurile lui Sherlock Holmes (Vol. I) (2014)
Întoarcerea lui Sherlock Holmes (Vol. I) (2022)
Un studiu în roşu (2014)
O lume dispărută (2014)
Isprăvile lui Raffles Haw (2014)
Întoarcerea lui Sherlock Holmes (Vol. II) (2022)
Câinele din Baskerville (2022)
Aventurile lui Sherlock Holmes (Vol. II) (2014)
Aventurile Brigadierului Gerard (2022)
Valea Fricii (2022)