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A Short Illustrated History of Romanians

69,90 lei

Authors Ioan Aurel Pop
Publisher Litera
Year 2019
Language Engleză
Pages 336
SKU: KuveJCiXUC3MiLegnyet Categorii: , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Ioan Aurel Pop
Publisher Litera
Year 2019
Language Engleză
Dimensions 15x22 cm
Pages 336
Cover Hardcover

Ioan-Aurel Pop is professor and Rector of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, the author and co-author of over fifty books, treatises and textbooks and of over three hundred articles and studies, Doctor Honoris Causa of universities in Alba Iulia, Timişoara, Oradea, Cahul, Galați, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș, the State University of Chișinău, ”Ion Creangă” Pedagogical University of Chișinău. He is a member of the Romanian Academy, of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg, of the National Virgilian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts in Mantua (Italy) and a member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in Paris. He has been Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York (USA) and the Romanian Institute for Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice (Italy) and he is Director of the Centre for Transylvanian Studies of the Romanian Academy.

Alte titluri pentru Ioan-AurelPop (autor):

Transilvania, starea noastră de veghe (2022)


Istoria Transilvaniei (2017)


„Din mâinile valahilor schismatici…”. Românii şi puterea în Regatul Ungariei medievale (secolele XIII‑XIV) (2018)


Istoria, adevărul şi miturile (2018)


Re de Dacia: un proiect de la sfârșitul Evului Mediu (2018)


Romanians and Romania. A Brief History (2022)


Românii. Eseuri dinspre Unire (2022)


Scurtă istorie a românilor (2023)


Centenarul Marii Uniri a românilor. O istorie în imagini (ediție bilingvă) (2020)


Veghea asupra limbii române (2020)
