500 Tricks. Lighting

35,00 lei


Publisher Könemann
Year 2014
Language Engleză
Pages 256
SKU: eOh3UXeyekGm4TCU2Ny4 Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Könemann
Year 2014
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9783864074974
Dimensions 16x20 cm
Pages 256
Cover Paperback brosat

Well-chosen lighting in your home is an important element influencing the arrangement and the atmosphere of the whole interior. Beautiful pictures , various types of lamps and technical solutions that can easily adapt in their own home are the high value of this part of the series. 500 TRICKS is a collection of practical ideas in a handy format 16.2 x 20 cm. The individual volumes of the series focuses on the selected item in the field of design and interior design: color, lighting , flooring, textiles and accessories. Photos complemented by extensive descriptions give useful solutions in each area , so that series is an inexhaustible source of inspiration.