500 Low Sodium Recipes

69,36 lei


Authors Dick Logue
Publisher Fair Winds
Year 2007
Language Engleză
Pages 512
SKU: p3fFfE9BU2Dk3nJVYMQ Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Dick Logue
Publisher Fair Winds
Year 2007
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781592332779
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 512
Cover Paperback brosat

Every recipe you need if you want to cut out salt!

Sixty-five million Americans have high blood pressure and 5 million suffer from congestive heart failure. When their doctors advise them to watch their weight and lower their sodium intake, they imagine a lifetime of repeatedly bland and unappetising meals. 

Their anxieties about their health are compounded by the notion that eating will no longer be fun and enjoyable. This book will assure them otherwise. 

Packed with 500 recipes (both classic and daring), 500 No-Salt, Low-Sodium Recipes beats back the boredom and allows people with high blood pressure, heart, kidney, or liver disease to maintain a diverse and exciting low-sodium diet. 

500 No-Salt, Low-Sodium Recipes features simple recipes with nutritional breakdowns and useful tips for a low-sodium lifestyle, including what food items to avoid for their hidden sodium content, plus information about convenient and tasty low-sodium substitutes and where to find them. 

Recipes include – Spicy Potato Skins, Lemon Glazed Doughnuts, Three-Bean Salad, Stuffing, Apple Pie, Velvet Crumb Cake, Barbecue Sauce.