50 Awarded Architecture

95,00 lei


Authors Arthur Gao
Publisher Design Media Publishing Limited
Year 2011
Language Engleză
Pages 640
SKU: SWq39POXK0e39Z7vVgwK Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Arthur Gao
Publisher Design Media Publishing Limited
Year 2011
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9789881974006
Dimensions 25x30 cm
Pages 640
Cover Hardcover

Presenting 50 remarkable award-winning projects from all over the world. Categorised in seven sections: Commerce, Office, Culture, Religion, Sport, Scientific Research, and Industry, each project is covered by photos, plans and text to represent the whole gamut of contemporary architectural design. The book discusses the design implementation possibilities afforded by different geographies and cultures to offer not only a refreshing visual experience, but also inspiration for architects and designers.

Alte titluri pentru ArthurGao (autor):

Oriental Style Hotels (2018)


Residential Landscape (2018)


HOPSCA (2018)
