'Twas the Night Before Christmas

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Authors Lesley Sims
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2013
Language Engleză
Pages 24
SKU: sV0cgxHzsEW6R3GONRkq Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Lesley Sims
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2013
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781409555735
Dimensions 22x28 cm
Pages 24
Cover Hardcover

This is a gorgeous gift edition of the traditional and much-loved Christmas poem with a sound panel to play Christmas music and sounds. Wonderful illustrations, combined with original music by Anthony Marks, bring the magic of Christmas Eve to life. Little children will love pressing the sound panel to hear the bells of Santa's sleigh, Santa falling down the chimney and other enchanting sound effects. 

Alte titluri pentru LesleySims (autor):

Cum și-au pierdut elefanții aripile (2022)


King Donkey Ears (2018)


Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (2018)


The Three Wishes (2018)


The Wish Fish (2018)


The Story of Flying (2018)


How the Elephants Lost Their Wings (2018)
