1000 Packaging Structure

130,00 lei


Authors Jingming Chen
Publisher Design Media Publishing Limited
Year 2011
Language Engleză
Pages 1008
SKU: dMd3UmQXFEqOD2IXCtzV Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Jingming Chen
Publisher Design Media Publishing Limited
Year 2011
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9789881950819
Dimensions 18x24 cm
Pages 1008
Cover Paperback brosat

With the help of plans and 3-D models, the latest packaging structures are clearly exemplified in this book. The examples, including 1000 detailed plans and 1000 distinct 3-D models, cover almost every field of package design, from daily necessity packaging to cosmetic packaging, and they will surely serve as practical resources for designers and other readers alike. The unique concepts and methods in this book provide guidance and give designers inspiration and ideas.