Business Advantage Upper-intermediate Personal Study Book with Audio CD

Prețul inițial a fost: 92,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 73,60 lei.

Authors Joy Godwin
Publisher Cambridge
Year 2011
Language Engleză
Pages 96
SKU: e2ZXziBwUm1I08YOapVM Categorii: , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Joy Godwin
Publisher Cambridge
Year 2011
Language Engleză
Dimensions 21,9x27,6 cm
Pages 96
Cover Paperback brosat

An innovative, new multi-level course for the university and in-company sector. Business Advantage is the course for tomorrow's business leaders. Based on a unique syllabus that combines current business theory, business in practice and business skills – all presented using authentic, expert input – the course contains specific business-related outcomes that make the material highly relevant and engaging. The Business Advantage Upper-intermediate level books include input from the following leading institutions and organisations: the Cambridge Judge Business School, the Boston Consulting Group, Nokia, Dell, and Havaianas. The Personal Study Book with Audio CD provides a wealth of further practice and lesson consolidation.An innovative, new multi-level course for the university and in-company sector.BIC Code: ESB